Public Library

329 E. Main
Phone: (620) 336-3460
Business Hours:
Monday-Friday 11:00 AM - 6:30 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Closed Sunday
The Friends of the Library always welcome new members. The dues are $5.00 for singles, $10.00 for a couple and $25.00 for a business.
Also as a money maker we take aluminum cans. Bob McClaren crushes them and takes them to be recycled.
Information on the Library
The Library Board is comprised of seven members appointed by the City Council upon the recommendation of the Library Board.
The Board meets the first Monday of the month at 6:00pm at the Library.
The Library hours are 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm Tuesday through Friday and 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Saturday.
The Library is closed on most major holidays, and the Saturday proceeding a Monday holiday.
The Library partners with “Friends of the Library” for a Valentine cookie bake every February. Cookies are sold and delivered just before Valentine’s Day. Over 2,000 cookies are baked every year!
The Library holds a St. Patrick’s Day Potato Bake in March. The Bake includes an enormous baked potato and a myriad of toppings and desserts.
The Annual Cherry Blossom Festival is in May—Take a look and you will find the Library’s booth at the festival.
As the summer warms in June, look for the Children’s Summer Reading Program at the Library. Check the Montgomery County Chronicle or the Independence Reporter for exact dates and times.
August is an exciting time of year with the Library’s “Book and Bake” sale. Hardback and paperback books are available, as well as the best baked goods this side of Mississippi.
As school starts in the fall, be prepared for the Friends of the Library carry-in dinner.
October is the Halloween Trick-or-Treat & Book Giveaway. Each visitor gets a treat and a small book.
In December, each child that checks out a book receives a piece of candy.
The Library’s history room was renovated by donations from the citizens of Cherryvale. It contains all the Cherryvale pictures and newspaper articles that Library staff has been able to find. They are placed in notebooks with acid-free pockets for preservation and easy reading. The walls of the Library are lined with pictures from local artists. One wall has a mural that was painted by a Cherryvale school’s art class. There is a large room that is available for meetings and small parties. There is also a kitchen available, and there is no charge to reserve the room. In addition, the Library maintains copies of the cemetery books that are used to help people find those buried in cemeteries in and around Cherryvale.
The Library has CD’s, DVD’s, Cassettes, and Videos available.
The Library also has four computers available for public use.
The City has put a lift in the Library for handicap access.
The Library is selling personalized bricks to create a “Memory Walk” sidewalk. Bricks are engraved with up to 3 lines of lettering, with 15 spaces per line. They can be purchased at the Library for $35.00. This is an ongoing fundraiser.
A fax machine and copier are available for public use at the Library.
“Yester-Year” books are made by the Library and are available for purchase for $15.00. Each book is comprised of newspaper clippings from 1928 to 1958, and library staff is in the process of creating books for additional years. The Library will ship your book to you for an additional $2.00.
Library business meetings are on the first Wednesday of each month at 6 PM.