- 1996 Pierce Saber.
- 1500 GPM pump with 1,000 gal tank
- Detroit Series 40 300 HP Diesel Engine
- Allison MD-3060 Automatic Transmission
- Waterous CSU 1500 GPM Top-Mount 1-Stage Pump
This Engine is used for 1st out structure fires in the city, Vehicle fires in the city, gas odor, Power line down, etc.

- 2007 Pierce Contender
- 1250 GPM pump with a 750 Gallon Tank
- Cummins ISL 345 HP Diesel Engine
- Allison MD3000P Automatic Transmission
- Waterous CS 1250 GPM Side-Mount 1-Stage Pump
This Engine is used for 2nd out medicals, 2nd out for in town structure fires, Mutual Aid with Cherryvale Rural fire for structure fires, 2nd out for MVA’s, etc.

- 2009 Dodge Ram Mega Cab SXT
- 2500 Heavy Duty Utility Truck
- 5.7 Liter Hemi engine
This truck is used for 1st out for Independence Fire Response, Response for Rural Medical calls as needed for when the ambulance can’t go off-road, Response to MCI calls, MVA’s, and Other responses as requested.

2021 BRAUN LIBERTY F450 4X4 Type 1 Ambulance
- 2020 Liberty Braun Box
- F-Series 6.7L Diesel Motor
- Liquid springs suspension
Primary for medical responses, MVA’s, Grassfire standby for Rural Fire, and Structure fire standby for Rural Fire.

2012 AEV Type 3 Ambulance
- Duramax Diesel motor
- Chevy 3500 chassis
Second/Third out Medicals (with staffing), Transfers, 2nd out for MVA, and anything else as needed.